Nobody Lost

Dana Lauren Goldstein

PogoBooks #031

Nobody Lost

Dana Lauren Goldstein

€ 12,00 EUR

PogoBooks #031

First Edition 500 Copies

ISBN: 978-3-942547-11-6


14,8 x 21 cm

Color Offset

Publication Date: August 2011

Status: Out of Print

Dana Lauren Goldstein was born in Louisville, Kentucky but spent most of her life traveling and living in different cities. In the summer of 2007 she received her BFA in photography from the Savannah College of Art and Design and returned to New York City where she spent a year interning and assisting fashion photographer Kenneth Cappello.

Dana's work is documentary style photography influenced by theosophical and neo-plasticist principles. It has religious and metaphysical undertones and explores themes like fate, chance and free will.